History Of Bikeshare

First Bike Share

by Peter R., Guest Blogger

Where did bikeshare start?  You probably won’t be surprised.

Along with a legal red-light district, public pot smoking and canals, Amsterdam is known as a city where cyclists rule.  It has not always been so. Amsterdam leaders got serious about reducing auto congestion by supporting cycling in the 1970sso safe and comfortable that even toddlers and elderly people use bikes as the easiest mode of transport.

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Bike sharing in Hawaii

Hawaii B-Cycle was Hawaii's first introduction to modern bikeshare in 2011. It was a three-year pilot project limited to Kailua Oahu. The two-station and 12-bike system was a partnership between the State Department of Health, Momentum Multisport, and B-Cycle.

A year later, the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative & the State Department of Health identified bikeshare in Urban Honolulu as a key strategy and a Bikeshare Working Group was formed with the goal of bringing a public, large-scale bikeshare system to Honolulu.

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